

18-Hole Match Picks - Australasian Tour

Tipster: Stanley

Odds: 2-Balls


Odds: 3-Balls

Victorian PGA Championship
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1-2; -4.90pts  (system plays: 3-3-0) 

Round 1 play (4pts):

Brody Ninyette to beat Peter Welden -120 @ 5Dimes  LOST by 7


Round 2 play (2pts):

Matthew Millar to beat Matt Jager -120 @ 5Dimes  VOID (Millar dns)

[unofficial rd2 system plays: Dartnall tb Fox R -120 (W); Popovic tb Summers -120 (L); Scott tb Welden -130 (V); Leaney tb Bland -145 (W); Pilkadaris tb Blizard -135 (W); Parry tb Collins -135 (V)]


Round 3 play (2pts):

Paul Spargo to beat Pieter Zwart -135 @ 5Dimes  WON by 1

[unofficial rd3 system plays: Jeffress tb Porker -110 (L); Walters tb Rice -105 (L)]


Round 4 play (2pts):

John Wade to beat David McKendrick -105 @ 5Dimes  LOST by 1