Overall: 14-7 (+26.95) RD 4:
1:20 PM ET Rose -130 over Johnson 4pts Thru three rounds Rose is statistically better in all the key categories. And being significantly longer off the tee is a bonus with the wet course and the longer par 4s. That's it for plays today. Let's have a great day!!
5Dimes RD 4:
11:40 AM ET An -115 over Howell 6pts 1:00 PM ET Kirk -105 over Hearn 5pts 1:20 PM ET Lovemark +105 over Kaufmann 5pts 1:30 PM ET Chappell -115 over Grillo 5pts An is supported by a very strong, undefeated fourth round trend. Kirk, Lovemark, and Chappell are supported by the same trend, just to a lesser degree.
5Dimes RD 3:
7:45 AM ET Moore -120 over Simpson 4pts 9:05 AM ET Kokrak -130 over Choi 4pts 9:15 AM ET Casey -160 over Chappell 4pts 9:15 AM ET Fathauer -110 over Merritt 3pts
All supported by strong third round trends.
5Dimes RD 2 Afternoon: 12:55 PM ET Stenson -110 over Scott 3pts W
12:55 PM ET Martin +110 over Lee 4pts W
12:55 PM ET Kaufman -125 over Kirk 4pts Push
12:55 PM ET Moore -130 over Simpson 4pts W
all supported by strong second round trends.
5Dimes RD 2:
8:35 AM ET English -155 over Gomez 5pts W 8:55 AM ET Kokrak -130 over An 4pts W Both supported by strong second round trends. Afternoon plays will be posted around 12:15 PM ET. 5Dimes RD 1 Afternoon: 1:05 PM ET Bradley -115 over Donald 3pts W
1:20 PM ET English -155 over Gomez 4pts W
1:40 PM ET Kokrak -105 over An 3pts W
All supported by strong first round trends.
5Dimes RD 1:
8:10 AM ET Martin +120 over Lee 5pts W 8:20 AM ET Kaufman -130 over Kirk 5pts L 8:35 AM ET Lingmerth -115 over Streelman 4pts W 8:35 AM ET Moore -130 over Simpson 3pts L
Martin and Kaufman are supported by undefeated first round trends. Lingmerth and Moore are supported by very strong first round trends. There will be afternoon plays up around 12:30 ET. 5Dimes |