Simulation Results: Galleri Classic
Player |
Win % |
TT Odds |
Best Odds |
Kelly |
Result |
P/L |
E/W Play |
Alex Cejka |
10.43% |
9.6 |
Bernhard Langer |
11.29% |
8.9 |
Billy Andrade |
2.94% |
34 |
Billy Mayfair |
0.70% |
143 |
Bob Estes |
3.71% |
27 |
Boo Weekley |
1.31% |
76 |
Brandt Jobe |
0.52% |
192 |
Brendan Jones |
2.81% |
36 |
Brett Quigley |
1.84% |
54 |
Brian Gay |
3.83% |
26 |
Cameron Percy |
8.17% |
12 |
Chad Campbell |
0.58% |
172 |
Charlie Wi |
2.56% |
39 |
Chris DiMarco |
0.30% |
333 |
Colin Montgomerie |
2.17% |
46 |
Corey Pavin |
0.22% |
455 |
Darren Clarke |
7.03% |
14 |
David Bransdon |
1.32% |
76 |
David Duval |
0.42% |
238 |
David Frost |
0.11% |
909 |
David Toms |
3.70% |
27 |
Doug Barron |
4.01% |
25 |
Ernie Els |
17.21% |
5.8 |
Felipe Aguilar |
1.81% |
55 |
Fred Couples |
11.87% |
8.4 |
Fred Funk |
0.06% |
1667 |
Freddie Jacobson |
9.18% |
11 |
Greg Chalmers |
6.60% |
15 |
Harrison Frazar |
1.51% |
66 |
Hiroyuki Fujita |
1.82% |
55 |
Jason Caron |
6.14% |
16 |
Jay Haas |
0.71% |
141 |
Jeff Maggert |
0.83% |
120 |
Joe Durant |
1.54% |
65 |
John Daly |
0.12% |
833 |
Jose Maria Olazabal |
0.12% |
833 |
Justin Leonard |
4.03% |
25 |
K.J. Choi |
6.69% |
15 |
Ken Duke |
2.64% |
38 |
Ken Tanigawa |
3.62% |
28 |
Kirk Triplett |
1.38% |
72 |
Lee Janzen |
0.69% |
145 |
Mario Tiziani |
2.17% |
46 |
Mark Calcavecchia |
0.01% |
10000 |
Mark Hensby |
4.31% |
23 |
Mark Walker |
1.26% |
79 |
Mark Wilson |
1.89% |
53 |
Michael Allen |
0.44% |
227 |
Miguel Angel Jimenez |
12.57% |
8 |
Mike Weir |
2.86% |
35 |
Notah Begay |
0.31% |
323 |
Paul Broadhurst |
3.31% |
30 |
Paul Goydos |
2.84% |
35 |
Paul Stankowski |
3.67% |
27 |
Retief Goosen |
5.41% |
18 |
Ricardo Gonzalez |
3.09% |
32 |
Richard Green |
7.50% |
13 |
Rocco Mediate |
1.53% |
65 |
Rod Pampling |
3.95% |
25 |
Scott Barr |
0.17% |
588 |
Scott Dunlap |
1.05% |
95 |
Scott McCarron |
0.58% |
172 |
Shane Bertsch |
2.53% |
40 |
Stephen Ames |
6.26% |
16 |
Steve Allan |
2.70% |
37 |
Steve Flesch |
2.93% |
34 |
Steven Alker |
21.86% |
4.6 |
Stewart Cink |
23.71% |
4.2 |
Stuart Appleby |
1.55% |
65 |
Tag Ridings |
2.73% |
37 |
Thomas Bjorn |
6.45% |
16 |
Thongchai Jaidee |
3.84% |
26 |
Tim O'Neal |
2.10% |
48 |
Tim Petrovic |
2.11% |
47 |
Tom Lehman |
0.27% |
370 |
Tom Pernice |
0.23% |
435 |
Vijay Singh |
5.30% |
19 |
Woody Austin |
0.59% |
169 |
Y.E. Yang |
7.45% |
13 |
Player |
Win % |
TT Odds |
Best Odds |
Kelly |
Result |
P/L |
E/W Play |
Alex Cejka |
16.43% |
6.1 |
Bernhard Langer |
17.61% |
5.7 |
Billy Andrade |
5.28% |
19 |
Billy Mayfair |
1.46% |
68 |
Bob Estes |
6.56% |
15 |
Boo Weekley |
2.57% |
39 |
Brandt Jobe |
1.07% |
93 |
Brendan Jones |
5.13% |
19 |
Brett Quigley |
3.43% |
29 |
Brian Gay |
6.87% |
15 |
Cameron Percy |
13.23% |
7.6 |
Chad Campbell |
1.27% |
79 |
Charlie Wi |
4.73% |
21 |
Chris DiMarco |
0.65% |
154 |
Colin Montgomerie |
3.98% |
25 |
Corey Pavin |
0.51% |
196 |
Darren Clarke |
11.72% |
8.5 |
David Bransdon |
2.57% |
39 |
David Duval |
0.92% |
109 |
David Frost |
0.24% |
417 |
David Toms |
6.56% |
15 |
Doug Barron |
7.15% |
14 |
Ernie Els |
25.38% |
3.9 |
Felipe Aguilar |
3.55% |
28 |
Fred Couples |
18.43% |
5.4 |
Fred Funk |
0.14% |
714 |
Freddie Jacobson |
14.80% |
6.8 |
Greg Chalmers |
11.01% |
9.1 |
Harrison Frazar |
2.98% |
34 |
Hiroyuki Fujita |
3.52% |
28 |
Jason Caron |
10.39% |
9.6 |
Jay Haas |
1.45% |
69 |
Jeff Maggert |
1.75% |
57 |
Joe Durant |
3.00% |
33 |
John Daly |
0.31% |
323 |
Jose Maria Olazabal |
0.27% |
370 |
Justin Leonard |
7.12% |
14 |
K.J. Choi |
11.15% |
9 |
Ken Duke |
4.86% |
21 |
Ken Tanigawa |
6.52% |
15 |
Kirk Triplett |
2.72% |
37 |
Lee Janzen |
1.44% |
69 |
Mario Tiziani |
4.17% |
24 |
Mark Calcavecchia |
0.01% |
10000 |
Mark Hensby |
7.59% |
13 |
Mark Walker |
2.52% |
40 |
Mark Wilson |
3.64% |
27 |
Michael Allen |
0.94% |
106 |
Miguel Angel Jimenez |
19.38% |
5.2 |
Mike Weir |
5.19% |
19 |
Notah Begay |
0.65% |
154 |
Paul Broadhurst |
6.08% |
16 |
Paul Goydos |
5.12% |
20 |
Paul Stankowski |
6.53% |
15 |
Retief Goosen |
9.16% |
11 |
Ricardo Gonzalez |
5.53% |
18 |
Richard Green |
12.28% |
8.1 |
Rocco Mediate |
3.01% |
33 |
Rod Pampling |
7.11% |
14 |
Scott Barr |
0.43% |
233 |
Scott Dunlap |
2.10% |
48 |
Scott McCarron |
1.23% |
81 |
Shane Bertsch |
4.69% |
21 |
Stephen Ames |
10.34% |
9.7 |
Steve Allan |
5.08% |
20 |
Steve Flesch |
5.43% |
18 |
Steven Alker |
30.91% |
3.2 |
Stewart Cink |
33.18% |
3 |
Stuart Appleby |
3.01% |
33 |
Tag Ridings |
4.87% |
21 |
Thomas Bjorn |
10.88% |
9.2 |
Thongchai Jaidee |
6.83% |
15 |
Tim O'Neal |
3.83% |
26 |
Tim Petrovic |
4.05% |
25 |
Tom Lehman |
0.58% |
172 |
Tom Pernice |
0.51% |
196 |
Vijay Singh |
9.00% |
11 |
Woody Austin |
1.26% |
79 |
Y.E. Yang |
12.18% |
8.2 |
Player |
Win % |
TT Odds |
Best Odds |
Kelly |
Result |
P/L |
E/W Play |
Alex Cejka |
29.44% |
3.4 |
Bernhard Langer |
31.11% |
3.2 |
Billy Andrade |
12.00% |
8.3 |
Billy Mayfair |
4.06% |
25 |
Bob Estes |
14.04% |
7.1 |
Boo Weekley |
6.54% |
15 |
Brandt Jobe |
3.10% |
32 |
Brendan Jones |
11.66% |
8.6 |
Brett Quigley |
8.35% |
12 |
Brian Gay |
14.58% |
6.9 |
Cameron Percy |
24.92% |
4 |
Chad Campbell |
3.60% |
28 |
Charlie Wi |
10.97% |
9.1 |
Chris DiMarco |
2.05% |
49 |
Colin Montgomerie |
9.59% |
10 |
Corey Pavin |
1.65% |
61 |
Darren Clarke |
22.86% |
4.4 |
David Bransdon |
6.52% |
15 |
David Duval |
2.66% |
38 |
David Frost |
0.83% |
120 |
David Toms |
14.27% |
7 |
Doug Barron |
15.16% |
6.6 |
Ernie Els |
41.14% |
2.4 |
Felipe Aguilar |
8.63% |
12 |
Fred Couples |
32.38% |
3.1 |
Fred Funk |
0.54% |
185 |
Freddie Jacobson |
27.07% |
3.7 |
Greg Chalmers |
21.45% |
4.7 |
Harrison Frazar |
7.51% |
13 |
Hiroyuki Fujita |
8.38% |
12 |
Jason Caron |
20.53% |
4.9 |
Jay Haas |
4.05% |
25 |
Jeff Maggert |
4.79% |
21 |
Joe Durant |
7.32% |
14 |
John Daly |
1.10% |
91 |
Jose Maria Olazabal |
1.01% |
99 |
Justin Leonard |
15.33% |
6.5 |
K.J. Choi |
21.60% |
4.6 |
Ken Duke |
11.21% |
8.9 |
Ken Tanigawa |
13.99% |
7.1 |
Kirk Triplett |
6.84% |
15 |
Lee Janzen |
3.97% |
25 |
Mario Tiziani |
9.89% |
10 |
Mark Calcavecchia |
0.10% |
1000 |
Mark Hensby |
15.99% |
6.3 |
Mark Walker |
6.49% |
15 |
Mark Wilson |
8.75% |
11 |
Michael Allen |
2.70% |
37 |
Miguel Angel Jimenez |
33.70% |
3 |
Mike Weir |
11.84% |
8.4 |
Notah Begay |
2.05% |
49 |
Paul Broadhurst |
13.49% |
7.4 |
Paul Goydos |
11.52% |
8.7 |
Paul Stankowski |
14.21% |
7 |
Retief Goosen |
18.54% |
5.4 |
Ricardo Gonzalez |
12.31% |
8.1 |
Richard Green |
23.39% |
4.3 |
Rocco Mediate |
7.33% |
14 |
Rod Pampling |
15.07% |
6.6 |
Scott Barr |
1.46% |
68 |
Scott Dunlap |
5.48% |
18 |
Scott McCarron |
3.51% |
28 |
Shane Bertsch |
10.73% |
9.3 |
Stephen Ames |
20.59% |
4.9 |
Steve Allan |
11.31% |
8.8 |
Steve Flesch |
12.13% |
8.2 |
Steven Alker |
47.33% |
2.1 |
Stewart Cink |
49.80% |
2 |
Stuart Appleby |
7.35% |
14 |
Tag Ridings |
11.00% |
9.1 |
Thomas Bjorn |
21.29% |
4.7 |
Thongchai Jaidee |
14.50% |
6.9 |
Tim O'Neal |
9.17% |
11 |
Tim Petrovic |
9.50% |
11 |
Tom Lehman |
1.81% |
55 |
Tom Pernice |
1.64% |
61 |
Vijay Singh |
18.15% |
5.5 |
Woody Austin |
3.44% |
29 |
Y.E. Yang |
23.62% |
4.2 |
Player |
Win % |
TT Odds |
Best Odds |
Kelly |
Result |
P/L |
E/W Play |
Alex Cejka |
49.93% |
2 |
Bernhard Langer |
51.79% |
1.93 |
Billy Andrade |
26.48% |
3.8 |
Billy Mayfair |
11.41% |
8.8 |
Bob Estes |
29.52% |
3.4 |
Boo Weekley |
16.67% |
6 |
Brandt Jobe |
9.45% |
11 |
Brendan Jones |
25.95% |
3.9 |
Brett Quigley |
20.29% |
4.9 |
Brian Gay |
30.44% |
3.3 |
Cameron Percy |
44.63% |
2.2 |
Chad Campbell |
10.51% |
9.5 |
Charlie Wi |
24.87% |
4 |
Chris DiMarco |
6.77% |
15 |
Colin Montgomerie |
22.35% |
4.5 |
Corey Pavin |
5.87% |
17 |
Darren Clarke |
41.82% |
2.4 |
David Bransdon |
16.94% |
5.9 |
David Duval |
8.50% |
12 |
David Frost |
3.30% |
30 |
David Toms |
29.91% |
3.3 |
Doug Barron |
31.27% |
3.2 |
Ernie Els |
62.29% |
1.61 |
Felipe Aguilar |
20.55% |
4.9 |
Fred Couples |
53.12% |
1.88 |
Fred Funk |
2.27% |
44 |
Freddie Jacobson |
47.17% |
2.1 |
Greg Chalmers |
40.14% |
2.5 |
Harrison Frazar |
18.50% |
5.4 |
Hiroyuki Fujita |
20.23% |
4.9 |
Jason Caron |
39.06% |
2.6 |
Jay Haas |
11.41% |
8.8 |
Jeff Maggert |
13.31% |
7.5 |
Joe Durant |
18.44% |
5.4 |
John Daly |
4.26% |
23 |
Jose Maria Olazabal |
3.83% |
26 |
Justin Leonard |
31.81% |
3.1 |
K.J. Choi |
40.27% |
2.5 |
Ken Duke |
24.96% |
4 |
Ken Tanigawa |
29.60% |
3.4 |
Kirk Triplett |
17.59% |
5.7 |
Lee Janzen |
11.43% |
8.7 |
Mario Tiziani |
22.95% |
4.4 |
Mark Calcavecchia |
0.57% |
175 |
Mark Hensby |
32.83% |
3 |
Mark Walker |
16.78% |
6 |
Mark Wilson |
21.00% |
4.8 |
Michael Allen |
8.45% |
12 |
Miguel Angel Jimenez |
54.61% |
1.83 |
Mike Weir |
26.31% |
3.8 |
Notah Begay |
6.77% |
15 |
Paul Broadhurst |
28.78% |
3.5 |
Paul Goydos |
25.59% |
3.9 |
Paul Stankowski |
29.85% |
3.4 |
Retief Goosen |
36.51% |
2.7 |
Ricardo Gonzalez |
26.93% |
3.7 |
Richard Green |
42.62% |
2.3 |
Rocco Mediate |
18.32% |
5.5 |
Rod Pampling |
31.16% |
3.2 |
Scott Barr |
5.14% |
19 |
Scott Dunlap |
14.69% |
6.8 |
Scott McCarron |
10.40% |
9.6 |
Shane Bertsch |
24.33% |
4.1 |
Stephen Ames |
38.94% |
2.6 |
Steve Allan |
25.66% |
3.9 |
Steve Flesch |
26.66% |
3.8 |
Steven Alker |
67.71% |
1.48 |
Stewart Cink |
70.02% |
1.43 |
Stuart Appleby |
18.01% |
5.6 |
Tag Ridings |
24.72% |
4 |
Thomas Bjorn |
39.74% |
2.5 |
Thongchai Jaidee |
30.47% |
3.3 |
Tim O'Neal |
21.55% |
4.6 |
Tim Petrovic |
22.23% |
4.5 |
Tom Lehman |
6.22% |
16 |
Tom Pernice |
5.80% |
17 |
Vijay Singh |
35.73% |
2.8 |
Woody Austin |
10.09% |
9.9 |
Y.E. Yang |
42.96% |
2.3 |
Player |
Win % |
TT Odds |
Best Odds |
Kelly |
Result |
P/L |
E/W Play |
Alex Cejka |
65.62% |
1.52 |
Bernhard Langer |
67.36% |
1.48 |
Billy Andrade |
41.27% |
2.4 |
Billy Mayfair |
21.39% |
4.7 |
Bob Estes |
44.89% |
2.2 |
Boo Weekley |
29.17% |
3.4 |
Brandt Jobe |
18.43% |
5.4 |
Brendan Jones |
40.46% |
2.5 |
Brett Quigley |
33.68% |
3 |
Brian Gay |
45.93% |
2.2 |
Cameron Percy |
60.56% |
1.65 |
Chad Campbell |
20.15% |
5 |
Charlie Wi |
39.23% |
2.5 |
Chris DiMarco |
14.06% |
7.1 |
Colin Montgomerie |
36.28% |
2.8 |
Corey Pavin |
12.38% |
8.1 |
Darren Clarke |
57.83% |
1.73 |
David Bransdon |
29.28% |
3.4 |
David Duval |
16.76% |
6 |
David Frost |
7.92% |
13 |
David Toms |
45.35% |
2.2 |
Doug Barron |
46.60% |
2.1 |
Ernie Els |
76.13% |
1.31 |
Felipe Aguilar |
34.10% |
2.9 |
Fred Couples |
68.35% |
1.46 |
Fred Funk |
5.81% |
17 |
Freddie Jacobson |
63.11% |
1.58 |
Greg Chalmers |
56.27% |
1.78 |
Harrison Frazar |
31.33% |
3.2 |
Hiroyuki Fujita |
33.31% |
3 |
Jason Caron |
55.00% |
1.82 |
Jay Haas |
21.42% |
4.7 |
Jeff Maggert |
24.10% |
4.1 |
Joe Durant |
31.32% |
3.2 |
John Daly |
9.54% |
10 |
Jose Maria Olazabal |
8.65% |
12 |
Justin Leonard |
47.30% |
2.1 |
K.J. Choi |
56.19% |
1.78 |
Ken Duke |
39.45% |
2.5 |
Ken Tanigawa |
45.07% |
2.2 |
Kirk Triplett |
30.23% |
3.3 |
Lee Janzen |
21.48% |
4.7 |
Mario Tiziani |
37.09% |
2.7 |
Mark Calcavecchia |
1.73% |
58 |
Mark Hensby |
48.50% |
2.1 |
Mark Walker |
28.78% |
3.5 |
Mark Wilson |
34.54% |
2.9 |
Michael Allen |
16.81% |
5.9 |
Miguel Angel Jimenez |
69.64% |
1.44 |
Mike Weir |
41.41% |
2.4 |
Notah Begay |
13.98% |
7.2 |
Paul Broadhurst |
43.72% |
2.3 |
Paul Goydos |
40.40% |
2.5 |
Paul Stankowski |
45.24% |
2.2 |
Retief Goosen |
52.51% |
1.9 |
Ricardo Gonzalez |
41.76% |
2.4 |
Richard Green |
58.92% |
1.7 |
Rocco Mediate |
31.11% |
3.2 |
Rod Pampling |
46.80% |
2.1 |
Scott Barr |
11.15% |
9 |
Scott Dunlap |
26.15% |
3.8 |
Scott McCarron |
19.74% |
5.1 |
Shane Bertsch |
38.99% |
2.6 |
Stephen Ames |
55.04% |
1.82 |
Steve Allan |
40.36% |
2.5 |
Steve Flesch |
41.44% |
2.4 |
Steven Alker |
80.44% |
1.24 |
Stewart Cink |
82.08% |
1.22 |
Stuart Appleby |
30.85% |
3.2 |
Tag Ridings |
39.34% |
2.5 |
Thomas Bjorn |
55.72% |
1.79 |
Thongchai Jaidee |
46.02% |
2.2 |
Tim O'Neal |
35.19% |
2.8 |
Tim Petrovic |
36.12% |
2.8 |
Tom Lehman |
13.17% |
7.6 |
Tom Pernice |
12.50% |
8 |
Vijay Singh |
51.73% |
1.93 |
Woody Austin |
19.55% |
5.1 |
Y.E. Yang |
58.78% |
1.7 |
Player |
Win % |
TT Odds |
Best Odds |
Kelly |
Result |
P/L |
E/W Play |
Alex Cejka |
77.80% |
1.29 |
Bernhard Langer |
79.05% |
1.27 |
Billy Andrade |
55.85% |
1.79 |
Billy Mayfair |
33.72% |
3 |
Bob Estes |
59.54% |
1.68 |
Boo Weekley |
42.91% |
2.3 |
Brandt Jobe |
29.96% |
3.3 |
Brendan Jones |
54.96% |
1.82 |
Brett Quigley |
47.79% |
2.1 |
Brian Gay |
60.42% |
1.66 |
Cameron Percy |
73.51% |
1.36 |
Chad Campbell |
32.09% |
3.1 |
Charlie Wi |
54.06% |
1.85 |
Chris DiMarco |
24.18% |
4.1 |
Colin Montgomerie |
50.89% |
1.97 |
Corey Pavin |
21.67% |
4.6 |
Darren Clarke |
71.29% |
1.4 |
David Bransdon |
42.86% |
2.3 |
David Duval |
27.58% |
3.6 |
David Frost |
15.19% |
6.6 |
David Toms |
59.80% |
1.67 |
Doug Barron |
61.03% |
1.64 |
Ernie Els |
85.69% |
1.17 |
Felipe Aguilar |
48.68% |
2.1 |
Fred Couples |
79.88% |
1.25 |
Fred Funk |
11.71% |
8.5 |
Freddie Jacobson |
75.57% |
1.32 |
Greg Chalmers |
69.82% |
1.43 |
Harrison Frazar |
45.38% |
2.2 |
Hiroyuki Fujita |
47.52% |
2.1 |
Jason Caron |
68.90% |
1.45 |
Jay Haas |
33.69% |
3 |
Jeff Maggert |
37.00% |
2.7 |
Joe Durant |
45.30% |
2.2 |
John Daly |
17.48% |
5.7 |
Jose Maria Olazabal |
16.01% |
6.2 |
Justin Leonard |
61.60% |
1.62 |
K.J. Choi |
69.99% |
1.43 |
Ken Duke |
53.87% |
1.86 |
Ken Tanigawa |
59.54% |
1.68 |
Kirk Triplett |
44.09% |
2.3 |
Lee Janzen |
33.84% |
3 |
Mario Tiziani |
51.56% |
1.94 |
Mark Calcavecchia |
4.24% |
24 |
Mark Hensby |
62.93% |
1.59 |
Mark Walker |
42.70% |
2.3 |
Mark Wilson |
48.97% |
2 |
Michael Allen |
27.71% |
3.6 |
Miguel Angel Jimenez |
80.93% |
1.24 |
Mike Weir |
55.92% |
1.79 |
Notah Begay |
23.99% |
4.2 |
Paul Broadhurst |
58.12% |
1.72 |
Paul Goydos |
54.91% |
1.82 |
Paul Stankowski |
60.07% |
1.66 |
Retief Goosen |
66.30% |
1.51 |
Ricardo Gonzalez |
56.25% |
1.78 |
Richard Green |
72.20% |
1.39 |
Rocco Mediate |
45.17% |
2.2 |
Rod Pampling |
61.21% |
1.63 |
Scott Barr |
19.91% |
5 |
Scott Dunlap |
39.48% |
2.5 |
Scott McCarron |
31.59% |
3.2 |
Shane Bertsch |
53.40% |
1.87 |
Stephen Ames |
68.60% |
1.46 |
Steve Allan |
54.95% |
1.82 |
Steve Flesch |
56.08% |
1.78 |
Steven Alker |
88.81% |
1.13 |
Stewart Cink |
89.91% |
1.11 |
Stuart Appleby |
44.80% |
2.2 |
Tag Ridings |
53.85% |
1.86 |
Thomas Bjorn |
69.35% |
1.44 |
Thongchai Jaidee |
60.43% |
1.65 |
Tim O'Neal |
49.51% |
2 |
Tim Petrovic |
50.57% |
1.98 |
Tom Lehman |
22.95% |
4.4 |
Tom Pernice |
21.89% |
4.6 |
Vijay Singh |
65.76% |
1.52 |
Woody Austin |
31.29% |
3.2 |
Y.E. Yang |
72.05% |
1.39 |
Player |
Win % |
TT Odds |
Best Odds |
Kelly |
Result |
P/L |
E/W Play |
Alex Cejka |
0.00% |
10000 |
Bernhard Langer |
0.00% |
10000 |
Billy Andrade |
0.00% |
10000 |
Billy Mayfair |
0.00% |
10000 |
Bob Estes |
0.00% |
10000 |
Boo Weekley |
0.00% |
10000 |
Brandt Jobe |
0.00% |
10000 |
Brendan Jones |
0.00% |
10000 |
Brett Quigley |
0.00% |
10000 |
Brian Gay |
0.00% |
10000 |
Cameron Percy |
0.00% |
10000 |
Chad Campbell |
0.00% |
10000 |
Charlie Wi |
0.00% |
10000 |
Chris DiMarco |
0.00% |
10000 |
Colin Montgomerie |
0.00% |
10000 |
Corey Pavin |
0.00% |
10000 |
Darren Clarke |
0.00% |
10000 |
David Bransdon |
0.00% |
10000 |
David Duval |
0.00% |
10000 |
David Frost |
0.00% |
10000 |
David Toms |
0.00% |
10000 |
Doug Barron |
0.00% |
10000 |
Ernie Els |
0.00% |
10000 |
Felipe Aguilar |
0.00% |
10000 |
Fred Couples |
0.00% |
10000 |
Fred Funk |
0.00% |
10000 |
Freddie Jacobson |
0.00% |
10000 |
Greg Chalmers |
0.00% |
10000 |
Harrison Frazar |
0.00% |
10000 |
Hiroyuki Fujita |
0.00% |
10000 |
Jason Caron |
0.00% |
10000 |
Jay Haas |
0.00% |
10000 |
Jeff Maggert |
0.00% |
10000 |
Joe Durant |
0.00% |
10000 |
John Daly |
0.00% |
10000 |
Jose Maria Olazabal |
0.00% |
10000 |
Justin Leonard |
0.00% |
10000 |
K.J. Choi |
0.00% |
10000 |
Ken Duke |
0.00% |
10000 |
Ken Tanigawa |
0.00% |
10000 |
Kirk Triplett |
0.00% |
10000 |
Lee Janzen |
0.00% |
10000 |
Mario Tiziani |
0.00% |
10000 |
Mark Calcavecchia |
0.00% |
10000 |
Mark Hensby |
0.00% |
10000 |
Mark Walker |
0.00% |
10000 |
Mark Wilson |
0.00% |
10000 |
Michael Allen |
0.00% |
10000 |
Miguel Angel Jimenez |
0.00% |
10000 |
Mike Weir |
0.00% |
10000 |
Notah Begay |
0.00% |
10000 |
Paul Broadhurst |
0.00% |
10000 |
Paul Goydos |
0.00% |
10000 |
Paul Stankowski |
0.00% |
10000 |
Retief Goosen |
0.00% |
10000 |
Ricardo Gonzalez |
0.00% |
10000 |
Richard Green |
0.00% |
10000 |
Rocco Mediate |
0.00% |
10000 |
Rod Pampling |
0.00% |
10000 |
Scott Barr |
0.00% |
10000 |
Scott Dunlap |
0.00% |
10000 |
Scott McCarron |
0.00% |
10000 |
Shane Bertsch |
0.00% |
10000 |
Stephen Ames |
0.00% |
10000 |
Steve Allan |
0.00% |
10000 |
Steve Flesch |
0.00% |
10000 |
Steven Alker |
0.00% |
10000 |
Stewart Cink |
0.00% |
10000 |
Stuart Appleby |
0.00% |
10000 |
Tag Ridings |
0.00% |
10000 |
Thomas Bjorn |
0.00% |
10000 |
Thongchai Jaidee |
0.00% |
10000 |
Tim O'Neal |
0.00% |
10000 |
Tim Petrovic |
0.00% |
10000 |
Tom Lehman |
0.00% |
10000 |
Tom Pernice |
0.00% |
10000 |
Vijay Singh |
0.00% |
10000 |
Woody Austin |
0.00% |
10000 |
Y.E. Yang |
0.00% |
10000 |
Player |
TT Win |
TT Odds |
Best Odds |
Kelly |
Result |
P/L |
E/W Play |
Alex Cejka |
2.64% |
38 |
21 |
Bernhard Langer |
2.78% |
36 |
29 |
Billy Andrade |
1.21% |
83 |
61 |
Billy Mayfair |
0.59% |
169 |
251 |
0.20% |
VBet: 225/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Bob Estes |
1.35% |
74 |
71 |
Boo Weekley |
0.79% |
127 |
201 |
0.30% |
QuinnBet: 200/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Brandt Jobe |
0.51% |
196 |
301 |
0.20% |
VBet: 275/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Brendan Jones |
1.12% |
89 |
81 |
Brett Quigley |
0.97% |
103 |
67 |
Brian Gay |
1.42% |
70 |
111 |
0.50% |
Bet365: 110/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Cameron Percy |
2.26% |
44 |
41 |
Chad Campbell |
0.52% |
192 |
201 |
Charlie Wi |
1.14% |
88 |
67 |
Chris DiMarco |
0.37% |
270 |
351 |
0.10% |
Bet365: 350/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Colin Montgomerie |
1.02% |
98 |
101 |
Corey Pavin |
0.36% |
278 |
351 |
0.10% |
Bet365: 350/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Darren Clarke |
2.11% |
47 |
36 |
David Bransdon |
0.85% |
118 |
101 |
David Duval |
0.44% |
227 |
201 |
David Frost |
0.23% |
435 |
751 |
0.10% |
QuinnBet: 750/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
David Toms |
1.33% |
75 |
51 |
Doug Barron |
1.46% |
68 |
51 |
Ernie Els |
3.59% |
28 |
17 |
Felipe Aguilar |
1.00% |
100 |
101 |
Fred Couples |
2.91% |
34 |
31 |
Fred Funk |
0.15% |
667 |
601 |
Freddie Jacobson |
2.41% |
41 |
41 |
Greg Chalmers |
1.99% |
50 |
34 |
Harrison Frazar |
0.87% |
115 |
101 |
Hiroyuki Fujita |
0.90% |
111 |
101 |
Jason Caron |
1.91% |
52 |
34 |
Jay Haas |
0.56% |
179 |
201 |
0.10% |
Bet365: 200/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Jeff Maggert |
0.62% |
161 |
251 |
0.20% |
QuinnBet: 250/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Joe Durant |
0.85% |
118 |
71 |
John Daly |
0.28% |
357 |
601 |
0.10% |
Bet365: 600/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Jose Maria Olazabal |
0.25% |
400 |
351 |
Justin Leonard |
1.45% |
69 |
41 |
K.J. Choi |
1.95% |
51 |
34 |
Ken Duke |
1.10% |
91 |
101 |
0.10% |
Bet365: 100/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Ken Tanigawa |
1.42% |
70 |
51 |
Kirk Triplett |
0.83% |
120 |
251 |
0.40% |
QuinnBet: 250/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Lee Janzen |
0.53% |
189 |
301 |
0.20% |
VBet: 275/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Mario Tiziani |
1.03% |
97 |
71 |
Mark Calcavecchia |
0.07% |
1429 |
751 |
Mark Hensby |
1.58% |
63 |
61 |
Mark Walker |
0.76% |
132 |
126 |
Mark Wilson |
0.94% |
106 |
151 |
0.30% |
VBet: 150/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Michael Allen |
0.47% |
213 |
126 |
Miguel Angel Jimenez |
2.92% |
34 |
21 |
Mike Weir |
1.21% |
83 |
101 |
0.20% |
Bet365: 100/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Notah Begay |
0.41% |
244 |
251 |
Paul Broadhurst |
1.28% |
78 |
67 |
Paul Goydos |
1.14% |
88 |
101 |
0.20% |
Bet365: 100/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Paul Stankowski |
1.34% |
75 |
46 |
Retief Goosen |
1.72% |
58 |
31 |
Ricardo Gonzalez |
1.26% |
79 |
41 |
Richard Green |
2.11% |
47 |
31 |
Rocco Mediate |
0.83% |
120 |
126 |
Rod Pampling |
1.48% |
68 |
51 |
Scott Barr |
0.32% |
313 |
101 |
Scott Dunlap |
0.72% |
139 |
201 |
0.20% |
Bet365: 200/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Scott McCarron |
0.52% |
192 |
251 |
0.10% |
QuinnBet: 250/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Shane Bertsch |
1.20% |
83 |
91 |
0.10% |
VBet: 85/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Stephen Ames |
1.88% |
53 |
41 |
Steve Allan |
1.20% |
83 |
81 |
Steve Flesch |
1.28% |
78 |
81 |
Steven Alker |
4.36% |
23 |
13 |
Stewart Cink |
4.55% |
22 |
12 |
Stuart Appleby |
0.85% |
118 |
151 |
0.20% |
Ladbrokes: 150/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Tag Ridings |
1.17% |
85 |
76 |
Thomas Bjorn |
1.91% |
52 |
36 |
Thongchai Jaidee |
1.46% |
68 |
67 |
Tim O'Neal |
1.02% |
98 |
76 |
Tim Petrovic |
1.03% |
97 |
67 |
Tom Lehman |
0.31% |
323 |
601 |
0.10% |
Bet365: 600/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Tom Pernice |
0.36% |
278 |
601 |
0.20% |
Bet365: 600/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Vijay Singh |
1.65% |
61 |
46 |
Woody Austin |
0.54% |
185 |
251 |
0.10% |
Ladbrokes: 250/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
Y.E. Yang |
2.15% |
47 |
34 |
Player |
Win % |
TT Odds |
Best Odds |
Kelly |
Result |
P/L |
E/W Play |
WIN: Fred Couples |
4.39% |
23 |
29 |
1.00% |
Paddy Power: 28/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
WIN: Cameron Percy |
2.84% |
35 |
51 |
0.90% |
Bet365: 50/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
WIN: Freddie Jacobson |
3.15% |
32 |
41 |
0.70% |
Bet365: 40/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
FRL: Brian Gay |
1.42% |
70 |
111 |
0.50% |
Bet365: 110/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
FRL: Kirk Triplett |
0.83% |
120 |
251 |
0.40% |
QuinnBet: 250/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
FRL: Mark Wilson |
0.94% |
106 |
151 |
0.30% |
VBet: 150/1, 5pl, 1/4 |
The data in the above table is as follows:
- Player - the players in the field at the time of the latest update
- TT Win - our estimated probability of the player winning this market
- TT Odds - The TT Win value expressed in decimal odds format
- Best Odds - the best odds available on the player to win this market as indicated on Oddschecker
- Kelly* - The Kelly criterion as a measure of the value in each player's odds - the Kelly criterion calculates the optimal percentage of bankroll to bet on a player
- Result - The player's finishing position - this is added when this simulation is archived
- P/L - The profit on the advised play (see 'E/W Play' column) - this is added when this simulation is archived
- E/W Play - The advised each-way play at the Kelly stakes
Top3 Plays table highlights the three advised each-way plays in the win and FRL markets. Each play is of equal stake with a total of 6pts in both the win and FRL markets.
The TT Win Probabilities displayed above are the result of a Monte Carlo simulation of each round of a tournament, using individual player inputs and a probability distribution.
This method is particularly useful in golf given the number of players in a tournament and the complex process within modelling player scores.
To determine the number of replications
R, this is typically set at 10 /
e2, where
e is the relative error in the bias assessment (precision measure).
With 100,000 replications,
e falls to less than 1%, which is the target relative error.
This table will be populated on
Mondays. Advised each-way plays and FRL plays will be posted on
Wednesdays once markets and odds have settled and there is maximum opportunity to get the prices advertised.
While TT Win Probabilities will be provided for all markets available via the buttons above the table, plays will only be advised for win and FRL markets.
The simulation results will be updated whenever there is a field update. Check the page updates and/or subscribe to email alerts to see if the simulation results have been updated.
TT Win Probabilities (including results) are available for all past events via the 'Archives'
Full P/L breakdown per market and per event for this year is available
here. Results for 2024 are available
* The Kelly criterion is given by:
K =
* p) - q
K = Kelly stake (optimal % of bankroll)
b = (Best Odds - 1)
p = probability of winning (Win%)
q = probability of losing (1 - Win%)
Using the odds that are available to you, calculate your 'Kelly stake' using the calculator below. Once you have selected the player, the win odds will be auto-populated from the table above.