This page contains links to all the stats tables available on Tour-Tips. These range from pre-event to in-running events stats and from Tour stats to situational stats. Details of each set of stats tables are given below.


Pre-Event Stats
A collection of 14 different statistical tables, including ratings, for events across 14 different Tours. These tables are customisable - you can re-calibrate various tables so that they display up 15 weeks (or 15 years for the course form tables) of data rather than standard 8 weeks / 5 years. The scoring averages and ranks are recalculated with each change in the sample period. Each player has a one-page summary of performances (scoring, statistical and strokes gained) over the past six months and performances on that week's course and country/U.S. State since 1996. You can also generate your own stats tables for any event and for any set of players.


In-Running Stats
A collection of 35 different stats tables for events on a range of Tours. As well as providing detail on every aspect of each player's performance live during an event, there is also detailed data on hole averages for both single- and multiple-course events, and a breakdown of scoring patterns in the morning and afternoon sessions in the first two rounds of each event. These are updated at the end of each day for events on the PGA, Champions and Korn Ferry Tours and hourly for events on the other Tours.


Tour Stats
A collection of 24 different stats tables across 14 different Tours that show average (and ranked) performance of each player on that Tour to date. When the golf Tours publish this data on their official web sites, it is available only on a season-only basis - this means that the data is of limited use in the first few months of the season - and only full Tour members are included in these stats categories. On Tour-Tips, you can select '12 months', '6 months', '3 months' or 'calendar year' as the sample period and the stats tables includes all players who have competed a minimum number of rounds over that period. There is also a one-page summary for each player displaying his Tour stats and rankings for the chosen sample period.


Situational Stats
These stat tables show how players in each event have fared in different situations. For example, in weather conditions, on different greens, and in different rounds. You can use the drop-down on each table to go to the list of players in the latest event on each Tour. While this information is available for each player via database queries and/or the player profile pages, you can now see this information for all competing players on one page.